Cotton Xenomorph is a literary journal produced with the mission to showcase written and visual art while reducing language of oppression in our community. We are dedicated to uplifting new and established voices while engaging in thoughtful conversation around social justice.

A Little Background Information

by Andrea Blythe

I’m a manuscript,                                             skin like blank pages,
my life covered in                                 footnotes, synopsis, outlines,
aspirations crossed out                                —no sense on the pages,
just a seedy paperback,                         a junked novel, a dead diary.
I recall and don’t recall                             ever writing anything, not
the first entry and not                                                    the last letter.

Source: King, Stephen, The Plant, Philtrum Press, p. 64-65.

Andrea Blythe bides her time waiting for the apocalypse by writing speculative poetry and fiction. She is the author of Your Molten Heart / A Seed to Hatch (2018) a collection of erasure poems, and coauthor of Every Girl Becomes the Wolf (Finishing Line Press, 2018),  a collaborative chapbook written with Laura Madeline Wiseman. She serves as an associate editor for Zoetic Press and is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association. Learn more at:

An Open Letter to the Boston Blizzard

Self-Portrait as Yurico with Metallic Wings